Retrieve the blob from the registry
This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.
Retrieve the blob from the registry
Query Parameters
query image, condition for filtering.
namespace which secret in.
secret name
whether verify cert if using https repo
- 200
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
Retrieve the blob from the registry identified. Reference:
The architecture field specifies the CPU architecture, for example amd64 or ppc64le.
The config field references a configuration object for a container.
Command is already escaped (Windows only)
Boolean value, attaches to stderr.
Boolean value, attaches to stdin.
Boolean value, attaches to stdout.
Command to run specified as a string or an array of strings.
A string value containing the domain name to use for the container.
The entry point set for the container as a string or an array of strings.
A list of environment variables in the form of ["VAR=value", ...]
An object mapping ports to an empty object in the form of: "ExposedPorts": { "
A string value containing the hostname to use for the container.
A string specifying the image name to use for the container.
The map of labels to a container.
ONBUILD metadata that were defined in the image's Dockerfile.
Boolean value, opens stdin
Boolean value, close stdin after the 1 attached client disconnects.
Signal to stop a container as a string or unsigned integer.
Boolean value, Attach standard streams to a tty, including stdin if it is not closed.
A string value specifying the user inside the container.
An object mapping mount point paths (strings) inside the container to empty objects.
A string specifying the working directory for commands to run in.
Container id.
The config data of container.
Command is already escaped (Windows only)
Boolean value, attaches to stderr.
Boolean value, attaches to stdin.
Boolean value, attaches to stdout.
Command to run specified as a string or an array of strings.
A string value containing the domain name to use for the container.
The entry point set for the container as a string or an array of strings.
A list of environment variables in the form of ["VAR=value", ...]
An object mapping ports to an empty object in the form of: "ExposedPorts": { "
A string value containing the hostname to use for the container.
A string specifying the image name to use for the container.
The map of labels to a container.
ONBUILD metadata that were defined in the image's Dockerfile.
Boolean value, opens stdin
Boolean value, close stdin after the 1 attached client disconnects.
Signal to stop a container as a string or unsigned integer.
Boolean value, Attach standard streams to a tty, including stdin if it is not closed.
A string value specifying the user inside the container.
An object mapping mount point paths (strings) inside the container to empty objects.
A string specifying the working directory for commands to run in.
Create time.
docker version.
history undefined[]
The data of history update.
Created time.
Created command.
Layer empty or not.
Operating system.
rootfs omitempty required
Root filesystem.
Contain ids of layer list
Root filesystem type, always "layers"
Retrieve the manifest from the registry identified. Reference:
The config field references a configuration object for a container.
The digest of the content, as defined by the Registry V2 HTTP API Specificiation. Reference
The MIME type of the image.
The size in bytes of the image.
layers undefined[]
Fields of an item in the layers list.
The digest of the content, as defined by the Registry V2 HTTP API Specificiation. Reference
The MIME type of the layer.
The size in bytes of the layer.
The MIME type of the manifest.
This field specifies the image manifest schema version as an integer.
image tag.
Status message.
registry domain.
Status is the status of the image search, such as "succeeded".
"imageBlob": {
"architecture": "string",
"config": {
"ArgsEscaped": true,
"AttachStderr": true,
"AttachStdin": true,
"AttachStdout": true,
"Cmd": [
"Domainname": "string",
"Env": [
"ExposedPorts": {},
"Hostname": "string",
"Image": "string",
"Labels": {
"maintainer": "string"
"OpenStdin": true,
"StdinOnce": true,
"StopSignal": "string",
"Tty": true,
"User": "string",
"WorkingDir": "string"
"container": "string",
"container_config": {
"ArgsEscaped": true,
"AttachStderr": true,
"AttachStdin": true,
"AttachStdout": true,
"Cmd": [
"Domainname": "string",
"Env": [
"ExposedPorts": {},
"Hostname": "string",
"Image": "string",
"Labels": {
"maintainer": "string"
"OpenStdin": true,
"StdinOnce": true,
"StopSignal": "string",
"Tty": true,
"User": "string",
"WorkingDir": "string"
"created": "2023-09-28T03:46:07.135Z",
"docker_version": "string",
"history": [
"created": "2023-09-28T03:46:07.135Z",
"created_by": "string",
"empty_layer": true
"os": "string",
"rootfs omitempty": {
"diff_ids": [
"type": "string"
"imageManifest": {
"config": {
"digest": "string",
"mediaType": "string",
"size": 0
"layers": [
"digest": "string",
"mediaType": "string",
"size": 0
"mediaType": "string",
"schemaVersion": 0
"imageTag": "string",
"message": "string",
"registry": "string",
"status": "string"