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Get image config


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

Get image config

Path Parameters
    namespace string required

    The specified namespace.

Query Parameters
    secret string

    Secret name of the image repository credential, left empty means anonymous fetch.

    image string required

    Image name to query, e.g. kubesphere/ks-apiserver:v3.1.1



    ConfigFile required
    architecture string required
    author string
    config required
    ArgsEscaped boolean
    AttachStderr boolean
    AttachStdin boolean
    AttachStdout boolean
    Cmd string[]
    Domainname string
    Entrypoint string[]
    Env string[]
    ExposedPorts object
    Interval int64
    Retries int32
    StartPeriod int64
    Test string[]
    Timeout int64
    Hostname string
    Image string
    Labels object
    property name* string
    MacAddress string
    NetworkDisabled boolean
    OnBuild string[]
    OpenStdin boolean
    Shell string[]
    StdinOnce boolean
    StopSignal string
    Tty boolean
    User string
    Volumes object
    WorkingDir string
    container string
    created string
    docker_version string
    history undefined[]
  • Array [
  • author string
    comment string
    created string
    created_by string
    empty_layer boolean
  • ]
  • os string required
    os.version string
    rootfs required
    diff_ids undefined[] required
  • Array [
  • Algorithm string required
    Hex string required
  • ]
  • type string required